Lotta Gips & Adrien Blanc

Lotta Gips

NL  28 ans

Adrien Blanc

FR  27 ans

Our trip to South East Asia

FĂ©vrier-Juin 2018  •  110 jours

As we are going on exchange to Hanoi from March 2018 to end June 2018, we wanted to create a photo blog so that our family and friends could easily follow our adventures. We will be arriving in Hanoi the 13th February after which we will cross the country towards the south by bus and trains during two weeks and finally flying back from HCM to Hanoi. During our scholar semester we will focus on North Vietnam and reaching further destinations during longer weekends. The 1st of July we will head to Indonesia where we will first travel through Java one week and then Bali for a week and finally get back to France. This is mostly a trip to Vietnam but as we are going to Indonesia in the end and may plan smaller trips to other countries if we have time (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, HK...) we rather called it our trip to South Asia. As Adrien's family is french & mine half french/dutch this blog will be hold in English so that everyone can follow up. We will try to stay up to date by uploading photos and new places we visited at least once a week depending on time and good internet access.